tourist attraction

Basilica Cistern

Visit Istanbul’s Basilica Cistern: History, Tips & Highlights

Hey, fellow travelers! If you’re planning a trip to Istanbul, one of the most impressive and somewhat spooky places you must see is the Basilica Cistern. This is no ordinary monument – it’s a whole experience. Therefore, let us pick our cameras and go down into the undergrounds of this ancient miracle. Basilica Cistern Interior [...]

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Galata Tower Aerial View

Galata Tower: Iconic Symbol of Istanbul’s Rich History and Views

Greetings fellow travelers, there is one place you must never miss if you are planning to visit Istanbul: Galata Tower. Rather than just being a tower, it's a journey through time and a breathtaking view of one of the world's most vibrant cities. A Little Bit of History Galata Tower Old Photo (1875) Galata Kulesi, [...]

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