Saint Antuan Church Array

St. Antuan Church: A Hidden Gem of Istanbul’s Architectural Heritage

For those who will travel to Istanbul, let me introduce you to a hidden treasure away from the usual route which is located in St. Antuan Church that is worth of visitation. That’s some place not to be missed.

Cat and St. Antuan Church

Cat and St. Antuan Church

Why Should You Visit St. Antuan Church?

Now why should you include St. Antuan Church on your list as soon as possible? First and foremost, it’s the largest Catholic church in Istanbul and one of the most beautiful ones among them all. Built at the beginning of 20th century, this church looks simply amazing with neo-Gothic architecture. With its red brick walls and exquisitely carved details, it can make anyone feel like they are back in time.

The interior is equally impressive though. Having a narrow nave and crossing aisles this church has high vaulted ceilings, colorful windows while silence fills everywhere making it a perfect escape from city life’s hassles. Moreover, if you love history then be informed that for over a century now this has remained one of Istanbul’s major Catholic churches where believers have been praising God at certain times of year or just every day since the early years after its erection up until now.

St. Antuan Church and Istanbul View

St. Antuan Church and Istanbul View

How to Visit St. Antuan Church

It is a pretty simple task to get to St. Antuan Church. It is situated on Istiklal Avenue, one of the renowned streets in Istanbul. If you are staying around Taksim, you can walk there conveniently. The church won’t be hard to find when walking down İstiklal Avenue as it is sandwiched between shops and cafes, a small haven in the midst of chaos.

The church is open every day for visitors and there’s no entrance fee charged for visiting. However, it may be good to call for their visiting hours before going there since they might vary especially during religious ceremonies like weddings or burials. Preferably come in the morning or late afternoon when it will be a bit calmer.

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What to Expect

Take your time upon arrival and let yourself enjoy the view of this beautiful place. In its center, there even exists a statue of St Anthony at the courtyard which looks wonderful. Inside you’ll see a serene altar where one could reflect quietly or just admire architectural elements.

A point worth mentioning – photography is allowed but remember that pictures should not disrupt anyone praying nearby if any exist as well as always respect those worshiping inside by keeping noise levels low and dressing appropriately because in fact church remains an active place of worship till now.

St. Antuan Church Interior

St. Antuan Church Interior

Tips for Your Visit

  1. Blend Your Visit: If you are on Istiklal Street already, why not plan for a day out of it. There are lots of shops, cafes and other attractions nearby. The Galata Tower is just one place you could visit. Or take a walk down to the Karakoy area.
  2. Timing: On Sundays there might be mass if you happen to visit this place at that time, something different even if you’re not Catholic. Just make sure to get there earlier and find a seat.
  3. Language: Although services are usually conducted in Turkish, plenty of information is available in English and priests/staffs often help clarify any issues.
St. Antuan Church View

St. Antuan Church View

The Saint Anthony Church Istanbul happens to be one those places many people don’t know about. Whether you love history, buildings or need some peace from the city mayhem this place will suit your needs. Contact us to add this kind o f jewels into your Istanbul visiting list and discover another side of Istanbul’s rich cultural tapestry.

Enjoy your time in this fantastic city!

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