Hidden gems in Turkey


Sumela Monastery: A Byzantine Marvel in Turkey Trabzon

Perched on high in the Pontic Mountains of Turkey, Sumela Monastery is one of those places that seems to have come straight from a Harry Potter book of architecture. Cut from a vertical cliff, this Byzantine monastery  has been around for more than one thousand years. For every visitor exploring Turkey, and particularly the Black […]

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Akdamar Island, Lake and Armenian Church

Explore Akdamar Island and Church: The Hidden Gem of Turkey

When in Turkey, you may already have Istanbul and Cappadocia as part of your plan. But let me tell you about a hidden gem that should really get your attention- Akdamar Island and the magnificent Armenian church. Akdamar Island and Church View Why Visit Akdamar Island and Church? Akdamar Island is a slice of heaven [...]

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Cappadocia Soganli Valley

Soganli Valley: Cappadocia’s Hidden Treasure

Now that you have seen the ubiquitous hot air balloons and fairy chimneys in Cappadocia’s must-see places, let me introduce you to an unknown site: Soganli Valley. It is a must-visit destination if you are looking to feel Cappadocia’s pristine beauty and history without many people. So why should you consider putting Soganli Valley on [...]

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